7 Little Changes That'll Make a Big Difference with Your Real Estate Agency

Real estate is a crowded market, and it can feel impossible to stand out and grow your agency beyond where you stand. But how your agency develops and flourishes is up to you, especially if you put in the effort – in the little things as well.

You’ll want to keep these tips in mind as you establish yourself when you’re starting, a mature real estate agent shouldn’t get complacent with details and small touches. Here are seven little things that’ll make a big difference in your real estate agency.

1. Communicate transparently

Clients won’t be making purchases from your agency – they’ll be purchasing from you and your people; and to follow through on that purchase, they’ll need to trust you. To earn that faith, you’ll need to listen and build open lines of communication that show you’re a trustworthy agent.
You can achieve this if you:

  • Make sure you’re hearing what the client has to say.
  • Always communicate updates, even small ones.
  • Take the time to check in on them – it’ll show you’re genuinely invested in them and their interests.
  • If you’re busy, spare a moment to tell them you’re preoccupied but will prioritise their request or concern at the earliest possible time.

If you establish clear, transparent, and efficient communication with your clients, they’re more likely to become enamoured with your service. That will prompt them to recommend you to their acquaintances, thus organically growing your network.

2. Build partnerships instead of assets

It would be best to look at these people as partners instead of potential assets when you network. Partnership implies a mutual benefit, which is more likely to leave both parties happy, instead of just you taking advantage of someone else’s connections. You both have to be willing to help each other thrive.

For example, you can network with people whose businesses involve the home, such as home loan bankers, interior designers, and third-party maintenance/repair services. They can recommend you to clients looking to buy, sell, or manage the property. Meanwhile, you can recommend their services to your clients when needed.

3. Narrow down your market

Trying to tackle too much or too broad a market will result in wasted effort. You’ll spread yourself too thin and use up resources. Find a niche market that you can appeal to and focus your efforts in that area. Become an expert to solve people’s needs.

Analyse what’s driving the market, what poses risks, and where things are heading in the short-to-long term.

By focusing on one area of the general real estate market, you’ll be able to use your time and resources more efficiently than if you were trying to cater to multiple locations at once. Remember, efficiency is a prime characteristic of an excellent real estate agent.

4. Update your website

Your landing page makes the first big impression on someone looking to become your client. If your information is outdated, or if your user interface (UI) is clunky, you’ll end up losing those clients instead. Always make sure your professional website is up-to-date and responsive (mobile friendly) so that visitors will have a smooth time accessing all the necessary information.

Beyond that, ensure your site effectively uses targeted SEO keywords without over-optimising. Keep things short and straightforward so people aren’t overwhelmed as they browse your pages. Have a clean layout with pleasing colours to entice people to stay and check out your services. These are small things but they compound quickly to create an overall pleasant client experience.

5. Use social media effectively

Social media has become one of the prime marketing grounds. Establish yourself on the internet not only through your website but on platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. You can reach a much wider audience by taking advantage of these sites.

One exciting way of using social media to market yourself is to post tips, tricks, and other minor information bites that will prove helpful to current and potential clients. These can be anything from current mortgage rates to changes in tax laws. You can post a running blog on your website and link to social media or create catchy infographics to upload on your respective platforms.

Posting this publicly not only ensures your clients are up-to-date on relevant information but also establishes you as an expert they can rely on. It can also help broaden your reach as the information gets shared over several channels.

6. “Pre-screen” clients

The best real estate agents can size a person up and decide whether they’re “serious clients” or “just looking.” Learning the difference and selecting your clients appropriately can help you become more effective in your agency dealings. It’s a waste of time and resources chasing lukewarm leads and benefits no one.

By politely dismissing these “just-looking” clients, you’ll have more energy and resources to focus on the more serious buyers and sellers on the market. And with you able to commit more effort to their needs, the transaction will be beneficial for everyone involved.

7. Care for yourself as well

You can’t market and sell well if you’re burnt out! Amid the hustle and bustle of your real estate agency, take the time for yourself and check up on how your mind and body are doing. Schedule some downtime to catch a movie or unwind with the method of your choosing. Make sure you’re eating healthily to keep your energy up. Get enough rest – unless it’s an emergency, your clients can wait until agency hours.

Do what’s necessary to keep yourself healthy mentally, physically, and spiritually. This will help you in the long run and ensure you keep your focus on what’s important.

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