20 Tasks You Can Outsource To Your Real Estate Virtual Assistant


As an entrepreneur, independence is an admirable virtue to have. It gives you the mindset to take responsibility for all decisions you have to make. But it can also hinder your progress. This is especially true if you are in the real estate industry where a typical day can be backed up with so many tasks. In order to become productive, you have to delegate responsibility. Your best option would be to outsource some tasks to your real estate Virtual Assistant.

Outsourcing to virtual assistants is nothing new. The process of outsourcing has been around for decades. It has grown to a point that it is accepted as a valuable strategy for streamlining costs while increasing productivity. Today many businesses across a wide expanse of industries use outsourcing to improve efficiency.

It is particularly valuable in the real estate business because the industry is quite competitive. Time management is the key to becoming a successful real estate agent. You have to allocate more time to functions that directly contribute to your bottom line. By hiring the services of a real estate Virtual Assistant, you will be able to relieve yourself of responsibilities that detract from the core functions of your business.

What tasks can you outsource to your real estate Virtual Assistant?

Administrative Work


Every business needs to get administrative work done. Administrative work refers to tasks and responsibilities that help your business get organized.

It is a prerequisite for the best virtual assistants to be adept at organizing everything that needs to get done. In the real estate industry, some of the important administrative works that you can outsource to your real estate Virtual Assistant are as follows:

1. E-mail Filtering – If you’re like many entrepreneurs who check their e-mails multiple times a day, you could be wasting valuable time. Leave it to the Virtual Assistant to clean out your Inbox and advice you of communication that merits your immediate attention.

2. Calendar Management – Organizing your work week ahead of time will allow better planning and minimize the risk of missing out on wonderful opportunities.

3. Appointment Setting – Closing deals is a numbers game. The more appointments you have per week the greater the chances of landing a key account. Let the VA build the appointment schedule for you.

4. Preparation of Materials – Those days spending late nights preparing slides when you should be catching sleep are long gone. Leave the PowerPoint to the VA and count sheep instead. She’ll have it ready for you in time for breakfast.

5. Filing and Documentation – One of the biggest time wasters is looking for files and documents when you need them. A VA is an expert at creating easy- to- use filing systems.


Marketing and Promotion


According to the latest survey posted by the Real Estate Institute of Australia (REIA), there are 64,698 real estate agents in Australia. Given the high demand for property in Australia, you should never let up on your marketing and promotional activities.

Outsource these tasks to your real estate Virtual Assistant so you can maintain a strong presence online and within the industry:

6. Website Management – If you don’t have a website, have one made right away. The website is your business address on the Internet. This is where people go to find you and learn more about what you can do. There are several virtual assistants who are certified web designers and programmers.

7. SEO – In order for your website and online marketing content to be found, you have to optimize your web pages. SEO or Search Engine Optimization is a learned skill. There are virtual assistants who are experts in SEO.

8. Digital Marketing – If you decide to put up a marketing team, the digital marketer will function as the Project Manager. There are VA’s with the requisite experience to manage your digital marketing campaign.

9. Social Media Marketing – You can find virtual assistants who are both certified and experienced in social media marketing. This is a goldmine strategy if you outsource it to someone who knows how to maximize the possibilities of social media.

10. Content Writing – Content is the number one driver or generator of inbound traffic. People spend most of their time online reading posts, blogs and articles. Even if you are a good writer, outsource this task to a VA who can write engaging articles and knows how to integrate popular keywords within content.


Back Office


Back Office work covers support services that keep your business running smoothly and operating without a hitch. Among these tasks include:

11. Accounting – Effective money management is crucial to your business’ success. Accountant can provide you with cash flow statements, disbursement schedules and income projections so you can keep better track of your finances.

12. Human Resources – If you are planning to develop your team, you should have a VA with experience in Human Resources to help you in the recruitment, selection and training processes.

13. Information Technology – You simply cannot afford to have your website crash. A Virtual Assistant with background in IT can conduct monthly or random audits to make sure all plug-ins, programs and security features are updated.


Sales/ Leads Conversion


Once your marketing team has generated leads to your funnel, it would be time for your sales people to take over and convert them into paying customers. These are the key sales tasks you should outsource to your real estate VA:

14. Outbound Calls – You should make it a point to conduct frequent follow up calls to your prospects. This will be a very difficult task to do since agents are always preoccupied. A Virtual Assistant with experience in real estate can do this for you on a regular basis.

15. E-mail Marketing – E-mail is a great way to reach out and remain in contact with your prospects. For sure, they will open their e-mail and come across your content. E-mail marketing has a higher sales conversion rate than most online marketing tools.

16. Referral System – You should also instruct your real estate VA to keep in touch with your existing clients especially those you’ve built a great relationship throughout the years. They can be a good source of referrals and new leads.


Specialty Tasks


You may also want to outsource specialty tasks or those that require technical proficiency, to virtual assistants. Among the common ones in real estate are the following:

17. Translation – Foreign buying continues to pour in the Australian real estate market notably from China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Singapore. You may need a VA who can translate or produce communication in their native language.

18. Transcription – If you’ve recorded a good volume of audio from your various meetings, you should have them transcribed by a VA for easier reference.

19. Market Research – As an agent, you should always stay updated on the latest developments in the industry. Research is a strong point of many virtual assistants. You should have your VA regularly provide you with studies and information that you can use for your client meetings.

20. Graphic Design – Traditional marketing methods such as flyers, posters, streamers and print ads still have their place in the real estate business. Your real estate VA can help design creative and attractive graphics for various marketing collateral.

A real estate Virtual Assistant is more than just a contracted remote worker who takes calls, sets appointments and manages your schedule. As you have read, you can run your entire business with virtual assistants. It is the most cost efficient way to improve your level of productivity and enhance the quality of work.

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